Have you ever wondered what is necessary before officially releasing a new website or a new mobile application? Well, first you need to subject it to a series of QA tests. To endure that your site or app is optimally developed, you need both manual and automation testing.

The services that testing software offers are: Functionality testing, Compatibility testing, Graphic User Interface (GUI) testing, Acceptance testing, Regression testing, Integration testing, System testing, End-to-End testing and more.

In essence, manual testing services are fundamental components of software testing before automation testing. While testing, the evaluator acs as an end-user using the site or the application. The test can help identify bugs and fix them right away.

What is the difference between Manual Testing and Automation Testing, you may ask? The answer is quite simple – it is in the way the test is conducted. The manual testing is conducted by a real person, while artificial intelligence tools and scripts are the conductors of automation testing.

Let’s talk about the manual QA testing

Firstly, there is a person, called a QA analyst whose responsibility is to test the various attributes of the website or the mobile app. He will explore the website or app without using tools and he will take notes of any errors and bugs that he runs to while using the software.

You can generate feedback from the QA analyst, because his experience will help you to gain insights about the way you target an audience. The manual testing may be slow and take a while, but that’s because the QA analyst has to conduct the different features of the app or website. However, you can’t be a hundred percent sure that the analyst can test the coverage sufficiently. That’s why the results may not be enough to thoroughly assure the quality of the app or website you’ve developed.

Of course, humans can commit mistakes, and so QA analysts are not insured against this. They may miss or fail to execute some parts of the test which makes the manual testing less accurate than the automation one.

What about the automation testing? 

Its role is trying to ensure the quality of the website or the mobile app. The difference here is that the conductor is not a human but an automation (or an artificial intelligence) which is testing through tools and scripts to further analyze the software.

Technologies are so developed nowadays, that they can easily replace the traditional methods in every field. The case here is quite the same. AI tools and scripts can perform more tests than QA analysts and that’s for sure which will take a shorter period of time for testing all the features to be done. Not only that but AI tools and scripts can also eliminate this redundancy which makes the test more efficient.

The automation testing may not involve real people, but it can imitate the real users and you can get insights into how an actual user will use your site or an app. The automation testing may also guarantee more coverage of the different tests which makes it great because it can provide more accurate data and results about your app or website’s performance. It eliminates the commission of human errors since it depends on artificial intelligence and that’s why it is more reliable.

The two types of testing have their advantages and disadvantages, that’s for sure. You don’t need to choose because they are equally important for ensuring the quality of your software.

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Nikoleta Yanakieva Editor at DevStyleR International