Health – News for developers from tech to lifestyle Mon, 15 Jan 2024 09:46:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 NVIDIA CEO: This Year Every Industry will Become a Tech Industry Mon, 15 Jan 2024 09:46:30 +0000 ...]]> Every industry will become a technology industry – these are the predictions of NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang, as evidenced by a post written by author Rory Keller on the NVIDIA blog.

The news comes after Jenson Huang’s statement at the annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference that “This year, every industry will become a technology industry.”

The talk, which took place in San Francisco, followed a J.P. Morgan conference presentation delivered by Kimberly Powell, NVIDIA’s vice president of healthcare. In her talk, Powell announced that Recursion is the first hosting partner to offer a foundation model through the NVIDIA BioNeMo cloud service, which goes into beta this month.

Drug Discovery with Generative AI and NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD

Kimberly Powell also shared that Amgen plans to advance drug discovery with generative AI and NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD – and that BioNeMo is being used by a growing number of technology companies, pharmaceutical companies, AI software providers and system integrators. These include Deloitte, Innophore, Insilico Medicine, OneAngstrom, Recursion and Terray Therapeutics.

From chip design to drug design

Healthcare customers and partners invest over a billion dollars in NVIDIA GPUs each year – directly and indirectly through cloud partners.

NVIDIA’s founder and CEO traced the company’s involvement in healthcare to two research projects that caught his attention some 15 years ago. One at Mass General used NVIDIA GPUs to reconstruct computed tomography images, and another at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign applied GPU acceleration to molecular dynamics.

“It opened my mind that we could apply the same methodology that we use in computer-aided chip design to help the world of drug discovery go from computer-aided drug discovery to computer-aided drug design,” he said, realizing that, “if we scale this up by a billion times, we could simulate biology.”

Jensen Huang further explains that after 40 years of advances in computer-aided chip design, engineers can now create complex computer systems entirely through simulation. In the next decade, the same may be true for AI-mediated drug discovery and design.

Collaborating on the Future of Drug Discovery and Medical Instruments
NVIDIA is propelling the field forward by building state-of-the-art AI models and powerful computing platforms, and by collaborating with domain experts and investing in techbio companies.

“We are determined to work with you to advance this field,” Huang said, inviting healthcare innovators to reach out to NVIDIA. “We deeply believe that this is going to be the future of the way that drugs will be discovered and designed.”

The company’s pipelines for accelerated healthcare include algorithms for cryo-electron microscopy, X-ray crystallography, gene sequencing, amino acid structure prediction and virtual drug molecule screening. And as AI advances, these computing tools are becoming much easier to access, Huang said.

Because of artificial intelligence and the groundbreaking work that our industry has done, we have closed the technology divide in a dramatic way,” he said. “Everybody is a programmer, and the programming language of the future is called ‘human.’”

“A medical instrument is never going to be the same again. Ultrasound systems, CT scan systems, all kinds of instruments — they’re always going to be a device plus a whole bunch of AIs. The value that will create, the opportunities you create, are going to be incredible”, Huang said.

Beyond drug development, this transformation to a software-defined, AI-driven industry will also advance medical instruments.

How to Create a More Pleasant Working Atmosphere in TECH Office Mon, 30 Oct 2023 11:41:20 +0000 ...]]> Happy employees drive success in large corporations and small businesses alike

In the tech business world, the secret to success lies in employee satisfaction. Recent studies highlight the key role of employee happiness, showing that it has a significant impact on motivation, productivity and innovation. The extra effort that happy employees put in is not an obligation, but a genuine desire to contribute even more to the company they work for. Remarkably, studies show that employees who are happy and satisfied in their jobs are 48.4% more likely to stay with the same company and work for its success, giving their all.

On the other hand, the consequences of unhappy and dissatisfied employees are a serious problem for businesses. Employee dissatisfaction leads to annual financial losses of a staggering $300 billion, according to a study, which is attributed to increased sick leave, absenteeism and an increase in workplace errors.

In a fast-paced industry like tech, a pleasant work atmosphere is key to the well-being of a company’s employees and the sense of comfort they feel despite being away from home. And when an employee feels comfortable and “in place,” they are productive, motivated and full of interesting ideas and a desire to work.

Today we will introduce you to the top 5 ideas on how to create a more pleasant working atmosphere in your tech office according to Hiveage.

How to Create a More Pleasant Working Atmosphere in TECH Office

Bring in natural lighting to the work environment
Not only does natural lighting look better, but there is a strong connection between natural light in the workplace and employees’ quality of sleep and energy. Neurology researchers at Northwestern University found that people who work in offices with windows receive 173 percent more white light (i.e. light from the sun) during work hours and sleep an extra 46 minutes every night. Workers were better rested and therefore in a better frame of mind.

Create a clean and comfortable office space
It doesn’t take a psychologist to tell you that when you are in an area that is attractive, comfortable, and pleasant, you feel better. This is true of both the home and the work environment, so be sure to clear away clutter and broken equipment, and mend flickering light bulbs and temperamental air conditioning or heating units. And though it may not seem like a big deal, invest in new, ergonomic furniture, plants, updated equipment, and quality coffee and snacks. Your staff will not only appreciate that their well-being is important to you, but they’ll be energetically affected by the space in a positive way.

Provide quiet rooms for employees
Open office layouts are a necessity in many cases, but you should consider providing a few areas where employees can retreat if they need quiet or solitude to concentrate on a difficult project. It can cut down on the stress and interruptions, which improves mood and productivity. You might also think about providing nap rooms, for which Google (among others) is famous. Studies show that a 20 or 30 minute power nap is better than a cup of coffee to boost energy for those people who regularly work long hours, engage in intensive, complicated work, or travel to out-of-town bureaus.

Have an open-door policy for team members
Employees report higher job satisfaction and are more likely to stay at a job where they feel listened to and appreciated. One way to do this is to ensure transparency between managers and workers because conflicts often surface when employees feel left out of the loop or like they are merely indentured laborers. Make it known that you are always available for questions, comments, and concerns. And “open door” should be taken literally—keeping the door open encourages friendly communication.

Equip the office with recreational areas for employees
If you can, make room for outdoor hoops or an indoor ping pong table. Team members will enjoy having a place to get a little exercise or to blow off some steam between tasks. Plus, friendly games with others can lead to better rapport and team cohesion.

Let’s Talk About the Mental Health of Programmers Thu, 26 Oct 2023 13:36:46 +0000 ...]]> It is known in the programming field that mental health can suffer on the job. However, with the right tools and support in the workplace, there are many mental health benefits and even mental health improvements in programming.

In exploring the intersection of programming and mental health, it may be necessary to create an app or platform that brings these two elements together. Improving mental health through programming can be a good idea, especially when your task has real relevance in today’s digital landscape

Embarking on a journey to master programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, BASIC, or any other, can be an enriching experience that not only enhances your coding skills but also contributes positively to your mental well-being. In the realm of programming, individuals grapple with some of the world’s most intricate challenges, and in this intellectual pursuit, you’ll find of mental health benefits taking root.

The process of grappling with these complex problems yields a profound sense of intrinsic satisfaction that transcends conventional job-related contentment. Concerns about potential mental health issues, often associated with the developers, can be addressed proactively, preventing them from becoming significant obstacles. The undeniable truth is that the field of programming offers a multitude of advantages for mental health, making it a remarkable arena where cognitive challenges and personal well-being coexist harmoniously. Here’s what Civilized Caveman has to say about programming and mental health.

Overcoming the challenges of anxiety and depression in the world of programming

In the field of programming – a profession that often requires long hours of screen-focused work – signs of anxiety and depression can appear very quickly. Depression, characterized by widespread feelings of sadness or disinterest in daily life and activities, is not an unfamiliar companion for some people in the programming world. The phenomenon known as “coding depression” occurs when programmers go through extended periods devoid of social contact, making them vulnerable and more easily able to fall into the trap of mental instability.

When the hours increase, and troubleshooting in lines of code goes beyond human contact, the risks of depression and anxiety intensify. Experts suggest that people who are immersed in the programming world may be more susceptible to depression and anxiety than the general population. The mental health dangers of this industry are an undeniable reality. However, it is crucial to recognize that addressing these challenges has significant benefits, as programmers can tap into a wellspring of resources to reduce pitfalls and pave the way to better mental well-being.

Programming brings immense job satisfaction despite the mental health risks

Programming requires both creativity and problem-solving skills, and when programmers excel in both areas, job satisfaction is extremely high. Learning how to stay on that wave and re-emerge from depression when you notice it starting to consume you is a big step forward in solving the problem and will help you regulate stress and reduce the risks of depression.

Programming can be an overwhelming area to work in. However, it can also be incredibly fulfilling. When you solve other people’s problems, yours feel a little smaller. With experience, you will find that this self-regulation is extremely beneficial to your overall health.

Relationship Building In The Programming Community

The world of programming and coding offers communities, networks and groups around the world that you can connect with to end feelings of isolation. Taking advantage of them brings a sense of connectedness to your work and gives you the best of both worlds. You can reap the benefits of human interaction in the people-rich communities of programming.

Become happier in programming

Mental health risks are known to exist in programming. But this field can provide many mental health benefits. There are some risks to anxiety and depression levels when you spend a lot of time alone staring at bugs and code. At the same time, there are also benefits to being in this fulfilling field that help you get past overwhelming problems when they arise.

Delve into the myriad advantages of creative problem-solving in coding and position yourself as an integral contributor to the thriving global community of coders. As the profound benefits of this skillset unfold before you, you’ll find both your job satisfaction and overall life contentment soaring to remarkable heights.

Healthy Work Culture: Why is it Key to Success? Wed, 25 Oct 2023 10:30:54 +0000 ...]]> Google Cloud’s 2023 Accelerate State of DevOps Report Reveals the Power of a Healthy Work Culture

In the ever-evolving realm of software development, a healthy work culture can prove to be a game-changer. Google Cloud’s recent release, the 2023 Accelerate State of DevOps Report, underscores the manifold advantages that a healthy work culture bestows upon software teams. These advantages include the prevention of burnout, an uptick in productivity, and a surge in job satisfaction.

The report sheds light on a striking statistic: teams with a thriving work culture demonstrate a staggering 30% higher performance when compared to their counterparts lacking this crucial component.

Google’s study takes a deep dive into the factors that contribute to a conducive work culture. Metrics used for this evaluation encompass the equitable distribution of work within the team, flexibility, feelings of job security, organizational stability, the extent of knowledge sharing, an understanding of user needs, and the efficiency in addressing problems and opportunities.

Apart from the significance of a healthy work culture, the report also highlights the pivotal role of user-centricity in performance. Teams that prioritize meeting user needs are shown to exhibit a remarkable 40% increase in performance compared to those that neglect this essential aspect.”

“Our research shows that a user-centric approach to building applications and services is one of the strongest predictors of overall organizational performance. To improve performance, develop a deep understanding of your users and iteratively adjust and incorporate their feedback,” Google Cloud wrote in the report.

The three user focus metrics on which the report evaluates DevOps teams are:

– How well user needs are met
– how aligned the team is with meeting those needs
– how user feedback is prioritized

“Balanced teams demonstrate strength in delivery, operations, and organizational performance by focusing on the needs of users. Members of these teams benefit from a clear understanding of user needs and the ability to adjust plans based on user feedback,” the report states.

According to the report, function-focused teams are failing to achieve organizational excellence. These teams place a high priority on delivery performance to the detriment of both organizational performance and the wellbeing of the organization’s employees.

A New Era in Medicine: Artificial Intelligence Will Detect Cancer? Mon, 23 Oct 2023 10:09:49 +0000 ...]]> Cambridge-based startup Lucida Medical, a company dedicated to improving cancer diagnostics, will detect cancers using artificial intelligence, Med Tech reports.

While MRI is the imaging technique of choice for assessing a range of cancers, including prostate cancer, in the UK alone, the number of radiologists is predicted to reach 40% by 2027, indicating the need for a streamlined, simplified and accurate means of cancer diagnosis, Med Tech reports.

A clinical study shows that radiologists can miss 12% of significant prostate cancer cases using MRI. The data, presented at the European Society of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) in September 2023, shows that Pi could help reduce undetected cancers by up to 6% while reducing avoidable biopsies by up to 43%.

According to Med Tech, with the help of artificial intelligence, Pi analyzes MRIs and is fully integrated into the radiologist’s workflow, targeting key issues related to variability, radiologist timing and diagnostic accuracy in prostate cancer. Specifically, Pi is designed to be used by radiologists to evaluate and report prostate MRI studies by automatically creating 3D segmentations, volumes and risk scores. Its results can be used to save radiologists time and to support biopsy and treatment decisions.

“We desperately need to cut waiting times, detect cancer early, and provide patients and clinicians with all the information needed to for optimum treatment. With this CE mark, the results of our investment in AI and clinical research over the last four years can now be used by doctors to provide the best possible diagnosis for men with suspected prostate cancer”, explained co-founder and chief medical officer Professor Evis Sala, chair of radiology at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and director of the Advanced Radiology Centre at the Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli, IRCCS.

Lucida Medical will demonstrate Pi at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 2023 Annual Meeting.

What is Pi?
Prostate Intelligence (Pi) is an AI and machine learning based software system designed to help radiologists detect and report the presence of prostate cancer lesions from MR scans (MRI).

Psychotherapist Natasha Duke and How to Recover from Burnout Thu, 24 Aug 2023 08:34:12 +0000 ...]]> We often hear people talking about “Burnout”, a word that has definitely become quite trendy in the last few years. In fact, people use it to describe any state in which they feel “burnout”. It’s especially used among programmers when they have a busy work week or when they have a to-do list and projects with too many demands and too short deadlines.

So what actually constitutes “burnout”? And do you often feel this way? And even more important: How can you deal with it?

Today we will introduce you to the best tips from specialist psychotherapist Natasha Duke, which Health Cleveland Clinic presents to us and which will help you recover from the “burnout” condition.

Admit you’re burnt out
There is no way to improve your condition unless you admit that your present situation must change. This can be very difficult, especially if the thing that brings you to this state-such as parenting or a job you love-is important to you.

If possible, move away from stressors
What this means depends on your situation and resources. “Distance” can be as significant as leaving a job or taking time off from work. If you don’t want to be away for too long, take a week off where you avoid even looking at your work email.

Remember that health is most important
You’ve been running burnt out for a while, so it’s time to recharge. That might mean getting an extra hour of sleep at night, cooking your favorite meals instead of taking them home, or hanging out with friends more often. Anything that helps you feel like yourself again – do it.

Reassess your goals and values
When your condition starts to improve, it’s time to use these resources to reflect on the situation that led you to burnout. What are you not getting that you need to be happy? Is your mindset helping you, or hurting you? Are your priorities in alignment with your values? What is most important to you and why?

Explore alternative routes and options
Now that you’re clear about what you don’t like about your life, is it time to think about what specific change or changes you could make to improve your situation? Maybe you need to quit a job that is proving too stressful, or maybe you just need to cut back and look after yourself more. Changes don’t have to be big to make a meaningful difference in your daily life. With small but significant steps you can tackle anything. Even with the burnout condition.

Take a break and/or make a change
Once you’ve figured out what you need, you need to do it. It’s time. Do it for yourself. It’s not always easy, but it’s vital to the recovery process. If you stay in the same situation and do not take action, your condition will worsen. Be careful and remember that health – physical and mental – is first among priorities.

Burnout State: How to Defeat Your Biggest Enemy Tue, 04 Jul 2023 09:07:59 +0000 ...]]> Burnout is the most dangerous enemy that can plague any developer, no matter how good and experienced. Interestingly, programmers are more prone to burnout than other professionals. But what would unlock such a condition?

One reason we often underestimate is sitting at a desk for more than 8 hours a day. This adversely affects our physical health as prolonged looking at a screen drains our energy and causes fatigue. Developers often work longer hours to meet deadlines, exacerbating the problem. Task overload is a sure way to cause a burnout.

Another cause of burnout is mental health issues, which we also don’t pay proper attention to. Programming is a highly cognitively intensive and stressful job that requires problem-solving skills and tremendous concentration. This can lead to mental fatigue and exhaustion.

Monotony in work can make it monotonous and lead to lack of motivation and passion for programming. This feeling of stagnation can cause anxiety and insomnia, especially if it lasts for weeks.

Isolation from others is another cause of burnout as it can make programmers feel disconnected and lonely. Lack of exercise, sleep and poor nutrition can also contribute to burnout by depleting mental and physical energy.

How to deal with the burnout problem

Building healthy habits
As the saying goes, “healthy body – healthy spirit”. Leading a life with healthy habits can significantly reduce the likelihood of depression. Furthermore, building positive habits starts with setting achievable goals. Achieving these goals generates feelings of satisfaction and joy, which in turn stimulates the release of dopamine, the brain chemical called “feel-good.”

Developers are usually logical thinkers who understand the importance of breaking bad habits and replacing them with positive ones. Whether it’s taking a walk, going for a run or doing a few sit-ups, the key is to start small. Building a new routine takes time and effort, but the rewards are worth it in the end.

Work intelligently, not just tirelessly
It’s not always possible for one person to do tasks like for three. Fortunately, there are numerous solutions that help developers work smarter, not harder. For example, an artificial intelligence tool can significantly boost their productivity if they struggle to create enough code. If collaboration tools are taking up too much of their time, consider trying to automate the handoff of tasks to the team.

Team building activities that encourage interaction and participation
Building a cohesive team of developers is essential for any company. Team building activities can help achieve this goal. This can include group games, team discussions, offsite retreats, or even participation in common activities. The critical element is to create an enjoyable and interactive experience that brings team members closer together and can improve team dynamics, increase productivity and enhance the work environment. This way, a developer who is facing a burnout will be less stressed because he will know that there are colleagues who would help him if he needs it.

The Evolution of Urban Life – Emo Abadjiev Joins Green Transition Wed, 21 Jun 2023 15:21:23 +0000 ...]]> Emo Abadjiev, an engineer with many years of experience, one of the first experts in the field of digital urban development and founder of Tumba Solutions, will participate in the panel “Digitization and Cybersecurity” at the prestigious Green Transition conference. The event will take place on 22 June, and he will present the latest projects in his focus – WeRide.Today and the Digital City.

Emilian Abadjiev, founder of Tumba Solutions

“Digital technologies hold the power to redefine the architecture of our cities. They serve as essential tools in our quest for sustainable, efficient, and inclusive urban development. By intelligently integrating technologies like 3D, VR, AI, and Web5, we can sculpt smarter cities that offer a higher quality of life while remaining respectful of our planet’s resources. Our goal isn’t merely to keep pace with digital trends, but to proactively leverage these tools to create healthier, safer, and more beneficial environments for all urban residents,”

Emo Abadjiev explained.

WeRide.Today is not just a cutting-edge app, but part of an innovative platform devoted to responsible and human-centric solutions. Designed to assist bike commuters in navigating the often challenging cityscape, it provides more than just personal navigation; it offers contextual hints and showcases helpful Points of Interest (POIs) that simplify urban commuting. Grounded in democratic and open principles, WeRide.Today fosters sustainable active urban mobility, going beyond an app to embody comprehensive technological solutions for a greener, more connected today and future.

In addition to this, Abadjiev will shed light on the revolutionary Digital City project. An ambitious venture that epitomizes his commitment to redefining urban planning for the digital age. The project is poised to reshape how we conceive urban landscapes, integrating emergent technologies like 3D, VR, AI, and Web5 to deliver an unmatched urban living experience.

Through his participation in the Green Transition conference, Abadjiev aims to underline the possibilities of merging advanced technology with real-world applications, reinforcing his belief that these are not merely trends, but powerful tools that can help individuals, businesses, policy makers, and state administrations build groundbreaking products that enhance healthier, safer lives, and maximize technology benefits.

For additional details about the conference, please visit the official Green Transition website and join the “Digitization and Cybersecurity” panel.

Good News: Startups Develop Approach to Treating Complex Health Conditions Thu, 09 Feb 2023 13:51:33 +0000 ...]]> Diagnosing and treating complex health conditions has always been a challenge for healthcare professionals. In response, we are in the era of personalized or precision medicine, an approach that seeks to tailor prevention and treatment strategies to a person’s unique characteristics, such as their genetics, comorbidities and environment, writes.

Technology plays a crucial role in the development of personalized medicine, and biomedical and healthcare startups are at the forefront of innovation and will change the future of medicine.

The one-size-fits-all approach is often ineffective in healthcare. Personalised medicine aims to provide a more tailored approach. This is also why a number of startups are developing health technologies that take into account patients’ unique genetic, biological and environmental factors.

Avatar Medical (France)
Avatar Medical creates real-time ED patient avatars to help clinicians and surgeons visualise medical images.The company’s VR solution helps surgeons better prepare their procedures by interacting with an ultra-fluid, photo-realistic VR representation of their patient’s medical images.

The solution is beneficial for understanding complex biological structures to help avoid mastectomies, shorten the operating time for reconstructive surgeries and inform hardware selection. Use cases include vascular, orthopedic, and head and neck surgery.

Biomesight is an AI-driven wellness analytics platform primarily focusing on the gut microbiome.

Over the past two decades, researchers are exploring the gut microbiota for potential gut microbe–host interactions, including the impact on metabolism, immune, and neuroendocrine responses.

The Biomesight test provides a snapshot of the gut microbiome utilizing 16S rRNA sequencing technology. This is then interpreted against recommended ranges for a subset of key bacteria (Probiotics, Commensals and Pathogens) and combined with other metrics to offer personalized recommendations for diet, prebiotic supplements and lifestyle adjustments.

Strike Pharma (Sweden)
Founded in 2020, Strike Pharma has developed proprietary Adaptable Drug Affinity Conjugate (ADAC) technology to take precision medicine to a new level. This makes it possible to create truly individualized immunotherapeutic treatments based on the genetic profile of a patient’s tumor.

Personalized genetics can increase therapeutic efficacy, and reduce dosage levels, thereby minimizing the risk of side effects.

The First FDA-cleared App for Insulin Delivery on Both iOS and Android OS is on its way Fri, 18 Feb 2022 18:03:50 +0000 ...]]> Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc., a technology company, leader in insulin delivery and diabetes, announced U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance of bolus insulin dosing on the t:slim X2 insulin pump using the t:connect mobile app.

This represents the first-ever FDA-cleared smartphone app capable of initiating insulin delivery. The mobile app can work on both iOS and Android operating systems. The updated t:connect app is designed to offer t:slim X2 insulin pump users the ability to program and cancel bolus insulin requests. John Sheridan, president and CEO of Tandem Diabetes Care, said:

“This FDA clearance further validates our commitment to innovation and the diabetes community by providing one of the most requested feature enhancements. With the improvements in diabetes management provided by Tandem’s Control-IQ technology, giving a meal bolus is now the most common reason a person interacts with their pump, and the ability to do so using a smartphone app offers a convenient and discrete solution.”

The new feature will be offered in the United States for free to new t:slim X2 insulin pump customers and to in-warranty customers through a remote software update for the t:slim X2 insulin pump and the updated t:connect mobile app.

The Company plans to roll out the mobile feature update throughout the spring in a series of limited launch groups, followed by an expanded launch later during the summer. Limited launch participants have already been selected.

The t:connect mobile app is a mobile application that, when paired with a t:slim X2 insulin pump, discreetly displays the user’s pump information on their phone. What is more, the mobile app displays the last 24 hours of glucose trends, pump status changes, and insulin therapy data, including basal and bolus deliveries and suspensions of insulin delivery.

The app also shows pump alerts and alarms, and securely uploads data into the cloud-based t:connect web application.

It is important to know that the t:slim X2 insulin pump works independently from the t:connect mobile app, hence, a user retains the freedom to view pump therapy data, program requests and cancel bolus insulin requests from their pump.

The t:connect mobile app is compatible with select versions of both iOS and Android operating systems in the United States. For better compatibility, Tandem verifies each combination of device and operating system works as intended to program and cancel a bolus from your smartphone.

Moreover, Tandem was also the first to receive an interoperable automated glycemic controller designation with Control-IQ technology in December 2019, the first to receive an alternate controller-enabled infusion pump classification in February 2019, and the first insulin pump designated as compatible with integrated continuous glucose monitoring devices in June 2018.
