single electron – News for developers from tech to lifestyle Thu, 06 May 2021 11:15:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Researchers confront major hurdle in quantum computing Thu, 06 May 2021 11:15:56 +0000 ...]]> In a series of papers, Rochester researchers report major strides in improving the transfer of information in quantum systems.

Quantum science has the potential to revolutionize modern technology with more efficient computers, communication, and sensing devices. But challenges remain in achieving these technological goals, especially when it comes to effectively transferring information in quantum systems.

Quantum computers are based on quantum bits, also known as qubits, which can be made from a single electron.

The ability of individual qubits to occupy the so-called superposition states, where they are in multiple states simultaneously, underlies the great potential of quantum computers. Quantum computers need a way to transfer quantum information between distant qubits—and that presents a major experimental challenge.

Researchers demonstrate a route of transferring information between qubits, called adiabatic quantum state transfer (AQT), for the first time with electron-spin qubits. Unlike most methods of transferring information between qubits, which rely on carefully tuned electric or magnetic-field pulses, AQT isn’t as affected by pulse errors and noise.

AQT has the potential to improve the transfer of information between qubits, which is essential for quantum networking and error correction.

AQT is robust against pulse errors and noise, and because of its major potential applications in quantum computing, this demonstration is a key milestone for quantum computing with spin qubits.
