transfer – News for developers from tech to lifestyle Mon, 16 Jan 2023 10:32:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Google Storage Transfer Now Supports Serverless Replication Capability Mon, 16 Jan 2023 10:32:01 +0000 ...]]> Google recently announced preemptive support for the ability to transfer information via its Storage Transfer Service (STS), which allows users to move data from AWS S3 to Cloud Storage and copy data between multiple Cloud Storage buckets.

STS is a Google Cloud service that allows users to quickly and securely transfer data between object and file storage in Google Cloud, Amazon, Azure, on-premises, and more.
Additionally, the service now includes the ability to preview automatic transfers of data that has been added or updated in the source location. This type of transfer is event-driven, as the service listens for notifications about them to initiate the data transfer. Currently, these event-driven transfers are supported from AWS S3 or Cloud Storage to Cloud Storage.

STS relies on Pubsub and SQS to perform event-driven transfers. Customers need to set up the event notification and provide STS with access to this queue. Using a new field – “Event Stream” – in the transfer task, clients can set an event stream name and control when STS starts and stops listening for events from that stream

Once the transfer job is created, STS begins consuming object change notifications from the source. Any change or upload of an object will now trigger a change notification on which the service acts in real time to copy the object to the destination.

With event-driven transfer, automatic, ongoing replication of data between buckets can be set up with just a few mouse clicks. It comes with a number of supporting features including filtering based on prefixes, retry handling, checksums, detailed transfer logs via Cloud Logging and progress tracking via Cloud Monitoring. In addition to being easy to set up and use, it is extremely scalable and flexible, allowing data to be replicated between buckets within the same project, between different projects, or even between different regions and continents of Cloud Storage.

Event-driven transfers can be created between Cloud Storage buckets in three steps:

  • Create a pubsub subscription that listens to changes in the Cloud Storage bucket
  • Giving STS permission to copy data between buckets and listen to that pubsub subscription
  • Create a transfer job with an event stream configuration

Event-driven transfer is an extremely powerful solution that can help users automate data transfer and processing tasks, saving time and resources.

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Apple Released Optimizations to Core ML for Stable Diffusion Fri, 09 Dec 2022 10:09:32 +0000 ...]]> Apple released optimizations to Core ML for Stable Diffusion in macOS 13.1 and iOS 16.2, along with code to get started with deploying to Apple Silicon devices.

What does it mean? In fact, all these improvements enable running the Stable Diffusion text-to-image model on Apple Silicon-powered devices with the latest iOS or macOS versions – iOS 16.2 and macOS 13.1.

Stable Diffusion has been very well received by the community of artists, developers and hobbyists since its debut in 2022. The reason why is the ability to create unprecedented visual content with just a text prompt. In recognition, the community has in a matter of weeks built an extensive ecosystem of extensions and tools around this core technology. There are already methods that personalize Stable Diffusion, extend it to languages other than English, and more, thanks to open-source projects like Hugging Face diffusers.

Developers are discovering many more creative uses of Stable Diffusion such as image editing, in-picture painting, out-of-picture painting, super resolution, style transfer, and even color palette generation. With the growing number of applications, it is important to ensure that developers can use this technology effectively to create applications that creatives everywhere will be able to use.

There are a lot of reasons why on-device deployment of Stable Diffusion in an app is preferable to a server-based approach. The privacy of the end user is protected because any data the user provided as input to the model stays on the user’s device. After initial download, users don’t require an internet connection to use the model. And locally deploying this model enables developers to reduce or eliminate their server-related costs.

Getting to a compelling result with Stable Diffusion can require a lot of time and iteration, so a core challenge with on-device deployment of the model is making sure it can generate results fast enough on device. This requires executing a complex pipeline comprising 4 different neural networks totaling approximately 1.275 billion parameters.

Optimizing Core ML for Stable Diffusion and simplifying model conversion makes it easier for developers to incorporate this technology in their apps in a privacy-preserving and economically feasible way, while getting the best performance on Apple Silicon.

This release comprises a Python package for converting Stable Diffusion models from PyTorch to Core ML using diffusers and coremltools, as well as a Swift package to deploy the models. To get started, visit the Core ML Stable Diffusion code repository for detailed instructions on benchmarking and deployment.

Notifyre Launches SmartRouting Feature for Transitional Messaging Wed, 09 Mar 2022 08:20:35 +0000 ...]]> Notifyre launches its new SmartRouting feature built for transitional messaging.

SmartRouting connects legacy messaging channels like fax to interoperable messaging systems like blockchain-audited encrypted file transfer, allowing users to make the transition in their own time, without being in sync with every other organization in the healthcare industry, according to a press release.  Bradley Davis, CEO of Notifyre said:

“Despite the well-known challenges of fax technology, the healthcare industry retains a deep reliance on this traditional data distribution method.”

Notifyre users can register for a Stirdie Digital ID, which functions as a unique identifier to link existing messaging channels like fax to new technologies such as digital file transfer.

Stirdie Digital ID holders must complete a verification process before being connected to the network to ensure their legitimacy.

SmartRouting assesses whether the recipient has a fax receive number connected to a Stirdie Digital ID when sending a fax. If connected, the option to send using digital file transfer becomes available.

All messages sent between Stirdie Digital IDs are audited with their transactions stored on the blockchain, providing an immutable history of the message.

Hacker has stolen over $320M from Wormhole Thu, 03 Feb 2022 14:26:10 +0000 ...]]> The platform Wormhole is a provider of a connection between different blockchain networks.

A number of tweets posted by the Wormhole page say that the thieves have stolen approximately $320 million in cryptocurrency. Soon after that happened, the platform was shut down for maintenance.

In a statement provided by Elliptic, it was announced that this is the second-largest crypto theft after the one from the Defi service. In a blog post Elliptic said:

“The exploit appears to have allowed the attacker to mint 120,000 wrapped ETH on the Solana blockchain, 93,750 ETH of which was then transferred to the Ethereum blockchain.”

According to a message, Wormhole’s developers offered the hacker $10 million if they return the cryptocurrency.

A couple of hours after the exploit, it was reported that the vulnerability had been patched and restoring of the network was in process.

Which technologies made our life easier? Thu, 03 Feb 2022 09:21:25 +0000 ...]]> Technology is developing really fast and day after day it becomes even more significant for us and our everyday life. There are so many technologies which have already changed our lives – most of them made it for good. Here are 5 technologies which made our life easier: 


One of the biggest innovations nowadays are the smartphones – the gadgets which make it possible for us to communicate with each other more easily.

Those devices are full of applications which give us an opportunity to organize our lives and work tasks. We can even stop for a moment and play our favourite game, we can listen to music, take photos as much as we want, or even watch a movie. All the things we like and love are brought together in these small gadgets.

Social Media 

We live in a society where it’s really important to be in touch with the world around us – it’s impossible to stop our hunger for news, likes, shares, etc. Social media is giving us the opportunity to explore new different worlds every day, and there is no doubt that it has a strong impact on us.


Actually, it’s full name is Global Positioning System and it was first launched in 1978.

Imagine you in the middle of nowhere having no idea where you’re at and how to get to the place you wanted to visit. Sometimes the old-fashioned way with the map is not the wisest option. Fortunately, you can just turn your GPS on and let it recognize your location in order to help you find the right way which makes it a significant innovation.


This technology is really convenient because it lets us pay through our smartphones. Putting your phone near the POS terminal is enough for you to be able to pay for your goods. Of course, just like every other thing, this also hides some tricks behind itself, so you have to be careful when using it. Sometimes convenience turns out to be inconvenient.


Have you ever thought about the time when you really needed to see the last photos you took with your family or best friends but you didn’t have the chance to take a look at them?

Back then, social media was just for chatting with friends and it was not as developed as it is today. The only way you could receive those photos was only via Bluetooth, keeping your phones as close as they could be in order to transfer the files you want as fast as possible.

Nowadays Bluetooth is much more than that – a technology which is being used in devices such as headsets, headphones, keyboards, mouses, etc.
