The latest version of Docker Desktop 4.18 offers many new features, such as a quick overview of vulnerabilities, Container File Explorer, an init command to quickly add Docker to a project, an experimental Compose File Watch to monitor project changes, and more, Infoq reports.

Introduced in version 4.17 and currently only available for Docker Pro, Team, or Business subscriptions, Docker Scout aims to provide security information about container images by analyzing the content of images and listing all identified CVEs using the docker scout cves command.

Docker Desktop 4.18 can now provide suggestions for fixing identified CVEs. This is done by running the docker scout recommendations command, which will inform about the availability of a new base image and list the benefits it will bring. Scout also offers a new docker scout quickview command that lists all issues found in an image, including the base image, grouped by severity.

And that’s not all. Docker Scout also offers an experimental feature that aims to make it easier to compare images and retrospectively document the changes made to the image in order to fix its vulnerabilities. The report that can be generated using docker scout compare includes a summary of the CVEs found in the baseline images, as well as a list of any added, removed, or updated packages.

The new CLI command in Docker Desktop 4.18, which is still in beta, is docker init, which aims to easily create all the files needed to add Docker to an existing project, including Dockerfiles, Compose files, and .dockerignore. Docker init currently supports Go projects, but Docker is working on adding support for Node.js, Python, Rust, and other languages.

Docker Desktop also includes a new tool with a graphical user interface that simplifies the task of checking out or removing files in a container – the Container File Explorer. It allows developers to inspect a container’s file system, drag and drop files and folders, and edit and remove files.

One of the key new features is the Compose configuration option, which is designed to keep services constantly up-to-date as you modify them. It is still experimental and the Compose File Watch service includes a new watch service that can be started with docker compose alpha watch.

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