Tesla is accused of encouraging uncontrolled sexual harrasment by six more women after Jessica Barraza’s lawsuit last month. On Tuesday six more women admitted they were constantly subjected to catcalling, unwanted advances, physical contact and discrimination while at work, so that is the reason they decied to fill their complaints with the Superior Court in Alameda County.
One of the women who sued Tesla, Jessica Brooks, claims that she was harassed on her first day of orientation at the automaker. In her words, a supervisor told his male subordinates to “check out the new girl.” The woman says that she decided to stack some boxes around her workstation in order to prevent herself from coworkers’ whistling. She explained that after complaining to Tesla’s HR department about the situation, the measure that has been taken was only moving her to a different part of the factory, instead of taking more serious measures and addressing the situation directly.
For The Washington Post, Brooks shared:
“I was so tired of the unwanted attention and the males gawking at me I proceeded to create barriers around me just so I could get some relief. “That was something I felt was necessary just so I can do my job.”
In Jessica’s opinion, the working conditions were “nightmarish” at the company’s plant at Fremont. Barraza’s lawsuit described a factory floor that looked more like “a crude, archaic construction site or frat house” than the site of one of the most advanced EV makers in the country. Most of the women who have sued Tesla explained that they experienced bad behavior of the CEO Elon Musk.
One of the complaints says:
“He would make 69 or 420 jokes … which caused the technicians to be even worse,”
Musk’s other company was also accused of doing almost nothing to stop the sexual harrasment. Also, the federal court ordered Tesla to pay $137 million to a Black worker who said they were subjected to daily racist abuse at the company’s Fremont factory.
This was the time when the company said that it is constantly working and growing and sometimes it can be wrong, but when that happens, it should be responsible.