Python is one of the most used and preferred programming languages. It is a high-level object-oriented language. Python is a set of open source data analysis tool libraries, web frameworks and testing tools. It is distinguished from other programming languages by consistency, stability, and ease of use.

If you’ve finally found your dream Python job, but you’re worried about the interview and which Python questions they’ll ask, you’ve come to the right place. Today, we’ve chosen to bring you 10 of the most common Python interview questions and answers, according to EDUCBA.

Most Frequently Asked Questions and Answers about Python

What is Python, and name some key features of it?
Python is an interpreter-based programming language, interactive and object-oriented scripting language. Python is designed to be highly readable. It is an interpreter-based language which means that, unlike other languages like C and variants, the compilation isn’t required before running. It’s dynamically typed, which means you need not define the data types of the declared variables or anything like that.

Functions are first-class objects in Python. Python can be used for cross-platform web apps, scientific models, big data applications, and many more.

Differentiate between tuples and lists in Python?
The major difference is tuples are immutable, while a list is mutable. It means once you create a tuple, you cannot edit or change the value in a tuple, while in a list, we can edit the value in it.

What will the maximum length of an identifier be?

Specifics no certain length for Identifier; Identifier can be of any length.

What do you mean by Decorators?
We use Decorators in Python to modify or inject code in functions or classes. With the help of decorators, we can check for permissions and for logging the calls.

What do you mean by the dictionary in Python?
The built-in data type of Python is known as a dictionary. E.g. “Country”.

Explain Memory Management in Python?
Python memory management is done by Python private heap space. All the objects and data structures of pythons are in a private heap.

Explain Python in one Line?
Python is a modern, powerful, interpreted language with threads, objects, modules, exceptions, and automatic memory management.

Explain the Interpretation in Python?
Programs in Python run directly from the source code.

Explain the rules for local and global variables in Python?
Global variable: If the variable is defined outside the function, it is Global.
Local Variable: If a variable is assigned a new value inside the function, it is local.

Stay tuned for part two of this article coming soon, where we’ll introduce you to the other questions that are most commonly asked during a Python interview, as well as the right answers that will win the heart of your future employer.

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