Microsoft Fabric was announced in its public preview in May. At the annual Microsoft Build conference, where new products are traditionally promoted, Satya Nadella announced Microsoft Fabric as the greatest invention since SQL Server, and placed among the top 5 Microsoft’s key products along with CoPilot and AI Studio. Called by the company „the analytics platform of the new era of AI“, Microsoft Fabric is making a serious bid to change the cloud data analytics market.
To share details about Microsoft Fabric and answer all questions from the Bulgarian audience, Magi Naumova – the founder of Azure Analytics User Group, invites experts and MVPs (Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals) to Ask Me Anything-type meetings. The first meeting from the series is titled “Microsoft Fabric – Is the hype real?”, and will take place on July 11th at 5:00 PM Bulgarian time.
“Microsoft Fabric outlines several important trends in the field of data analysis, such as the SaaS-inating the DataWarehouse, having OneDrive for enterprise data called OneLake, and storing data in open source format rather than a proprietary format. Using CoPilot & AI for report building, code development, or data processing automation becoming a part of the future in our field,” says Magi Naumova, the founder of Azure Analytics User Group and SQL&BI User Group in Bulgaria, MVP, and well recognized expert in the field.
“Microsoft Fabric promises major changes in this already rapidly evolving field. That’s why I invited my MVP colleagues with whom we organized Ask Me Anything meeting in Norway and it turned into a great event with large attendance from the community. The next step is to make an online meeting for the Bulgarian technology community. The Ask Me Anything format is unique, as the meeting turns into a discussion between us about Microsoft Fabric, sharing different opinions and experiences, as well as answering questions from participants. It’s quite different from watching a technical video presentation, and much more useful”, she added.
The main goal of the group is to be a community place for sharing and gathering experience in the field of Data Engineering & Data Analytics in Azure Cloud and Azure Data Platform. The user group’s events attract knowledgeable people who enjoy sharing knowledge and those who would like to hear from leading experts in the field or their colleagues.
The group’s meeting “Microsoft Fabric – Is the hype real?” will take place on July 11th at 5:00 PM Bulgarian time. Magi’s guests will be the founders of Microsoft Data Platform User Group in Norway and well-known experts in the field, Cathrine Wilhelmsen and Johan Ludvig Brattås.
The event is online, free of charge, with prior registration here.