Pure IP has launched its eVoc2 partner program with Microsoft, aimed specifically at US-based managed service providers (MSPs) and telecommunications companies.
The aim of the project is to be able to offer end customers business phone services with Microsoft Teams using Operator Connect. The program is in support of Microsoft’s drive to increase growth, enablement and adoption of Teams for voice services.The Pure IP eVoc2 program – Electronically enabling Voice with Operator Connect through the power of 2 – is designed to help partners capitalize on the Teams potential and provide their clients with the way of capitalizing on the organizational benefits of cloud telephony.
“Events over the past two years have understandably accelerated the migration to cloud-based services, particularly in unified enterprise communications and collaboration. This represents a huge opportunity and a threat to incumbent providers in a dynamically changing market”
said Gary Forrest, CEO at Pure IP.
“We are excited to work with Microsoft on this latest initiative and believe that our eVoc2 program offers service providers a cost-effective method of retaining and growing their business by helping their customers optimize the benefits of cloud telephony”,
he continued.
The program combines access to Pure IP’s trusted and resilient cloud-based global voice network, with online automated tools for quick and easy provisioning and ordering, and a suite of support services for partners to seamlessly enable their customers with Teams voice. eVoc2 utilizes Operator Connect for the delivery of voice services in Teams.
“The growth of Microsoft Teams as a platform is well documented and end customers are continuing to see the benefits of deepening their use of the platform. For providers and delivery partners this represents a challenge and an opportunity in keeping pace with the change to continue meeting the customers need”,
said Christopher Martini, Global Partner Solutions U.S. for Modern Work at Microsoft.“Working with partners like Pure IP and their eVoc2 program will help them unlock the Teams voice potential and satisfy the customer demand. Pure IP have been a part of the Operator Connect program from the start, and we are excited to have them onboard with this new initiative”,
he continued.
In addition to the core voice services, partners to the eVoc2 program can also benefit from access to Pure IP’s portfolio of other services including cloud enablement, legacy integration, SBCaaS and more.