On Tuesday Starlink informed a number of individuals in India that it will be refunding their pre-orders. It happened more than a month after New Delhi told the firm to stop “booking/rendering the satellite internet service” in the South Asian market without obtaining a license.
The company said it was “looking forward to making Starlink available in India as soon as possible,” but it currently doesn’t have clarity on the “timeline for receiving licenses to operate.” in an email to those who had pre-ordered Starlink in India. The company wrote, outlining the steps to avail the refund:
“As has always been the case, you can receive a refund at any time.”
In late November, the Indian government told the company in a public statement that it needs to comply with the regulations and refrain from taking pre-orders “with immediate effect.”
Starlink had received over 5,000 pre-orders for its devices in India and was looking to conduct pilots in the country. Last year, the company appointed an India head, who reached out to several stakeholders in the country to explore ways to collaborate.