Elon Musk offered the 19-year-old Jack Sweeney $5,000 to delete his Twitter account called @ElonJet that tracks the billionaire’s private jet, according to Protocol.
The boy had actually created a Twitter bot back in 2021 which had the ability to track the movements of the private jets belonging to several tech billionaires.
The communication between Elon and Jack was over Twitter DMs. The 19-year old hasn’t accepted Musk’s offer yet and even asked him to add one more “o”. He said this amount of money can help him for college and possibly allow him to get a car, maybe Tesla’s Model 3.
Sweeney also gave Musk some advice on how to block being tracked by using a system that would change his jet’s identifier.
The CEO is still thinking about Jack’s offer. So far, he hasn’t paid Sweeney a dime. When it comes to the account – it is still running.