NFT platform The Third Place announced the launch of a premium collection of real masterpieces of world pictorial art “The Greatest Works of Art”. It will be sold at an auction in the form of a limited series of NFT tokens.
The painting by the famous French artist Pierre Auguste Renoir “Double Portrait of Jeanne Baudot” will be the first masterpiece to be auctioned. According to the project webpage, global sales will start on December 22 at 16:00 Moscow time.
“The Greatest Works of Art” is the first special project of Third Place NFT. Its main mission is to create the largest accumulated collection of classical art. As part of this project, the platform plans to locate world-famous art objects verifying their authenticity in partnership with a number of major museums, and, with the help of NFT technology, to make them accessible for everyone.
As part of the tokenization Renoir’s painting will be divided into 1125 exclusive NFT tokens. Its holders will receive the rights to use the painting, exclusive rights to digital copies of the acquired NFTs, as well as non-exclusive rights to a full digital copy of the famous artist’s painting.