Apple unveiled the first beta versions of iOS 16.3, iPadOS 16.3, tvOS 16.3 and watchOS 9.3 to developers, relaunching the beta software creation process.
Developers can download the latest versions by joining the beta testing program through Apple’s Developer Center. Public beta releases are released after their developer counterparts. They are available through the Apple Beta Software Program.
The first iOS 16.3 and iPadOS 16.3 betas have build number 20D5024e, replacing build 20C65. The first beta of watchOS 9.3 has build number 20S5626e, replacing build 20S361. The tvOS 16.3 build number and HomePod Software Version 16.3 build is 20K5626c, up from build 20K362.
In the iOS 16.3 update, which is currently only available to developers, there is support for a security key, a new feature that Apple announced just a few days ago and which provides better account protection.
Once installed, watchOS 9.3 can be downloaded from the dedicated Apple Watch app on iPhone by going to General and then selecting Software update. To update to the new software, the Apple Watch must have 50% battery life, be on the charger, and be within range of the iPhone it’s paired with.
AppleInsider and Apple advise users not to install beta operating systems or beta software in general on major devices because of the risk of problems that could lead to data loss. To be more secure and safe, testers should use secondary or non-essential hardware and make sure they always have sufficient backups of their critical data.