One of the most popular applications for instant messaging – Telegram, is developing new features which are expected to be innovative. Maybe the most impressive one at this point is the new text formatting option which marks a certain message when it recognizes it as a spoiler.
u/Tanto_Faz_123 is a Reddit user who found out that Telegram is working on a new feature that hides spoilers (via Android Police). However, this feature is still not rolled out and users are not able to experience it yet. Soon after it will be released, users will be able to select text and mark it as a spoiler before sending it. Then the text message will be pixelated and only a click on it will reveal the content.
It is still not clear whether the feature will be available in individual conversations and groups. The feature reminds of Apple’s Invisible Ink iMessage effect which offers exactly the same option for hiding spoilers. It is also expected to be supported on all platforms on day one, as we know Telegram updates all of its applications at the same time.