dunnhumby announced a significant expansion to its India leadership team with the appointment of two industry veterans. The company welcomed Chhavi Sinha as Global Head of Data Engineering and Nitesh Maan as Director of Media Engineering. Manoj Madhusudanan, Head of dunnhumby India, said:
“We are looking forward to Chhavi and Nitesh joining our leadership team, bringing deep technical skills and leadership acumen. With the added firepower, we are setting the stage for taking the engineering and product development footprint of dunnhumby India to the next level,”
Chhavi Sinha has 17 years of engineering and technology experience and has been with dunnhumby since 2011. She has worked with multiple retailers across US, Europe and Asia markets. In her previous role, she led dunnhumby’s APAC Data Engineering team and has also been at the forefront of multiple initiatives across technology and science teams, which redefined the way dunnhumby operates. In her new role, Chhavi will report to Prithvesh Katoch, Global Head of Client Data Services. Chhavi said:
“I am excited about the opportunity to enhance the maturity of our data engineering function, preparing for the future with best-in-class solutions.”
In the past two years, dunnhumby India has been hiring engineering and product development skills. The India arm has 370 technology professionals in this space now, accounting for more than half of its India employee base of 710.
The announcement also signifies dunnhumby’s ambition to cultivate more diversity in leadership. With the induction of the new leaders, five of dunnhumby’s 13-member India leadership team will be female leaders.
dunnhumby India is expanding at a compounded annual growth rate of 19%. The office was started in 2008 as a hub of data engineering, data science and product development, and is today a key driver of dunnhumby’s growth.