The IT industry is filled with myths and misconceptions about software developers. And while they can be easily debunked, they persist in management, the education system, the industry, and even within software development teams themselves.
Here are the most common myths about software developers according to The Server Side
The additional developer will speed up the work process
In fact, the truth is that when a new developer is added to the team, there is always an initial drop in productivity because bringing a new developer into the project takes time, and adjusting to the project takes time away from the team’s development-focused activities.
Furthermore, in the world of software development, smaller teams have proven to be more product, adaptable and agile than larger ones. That’s why the Scrum Framework limits teams to 10 members, which includes the Scrum Master and the Product Owner. And let’s not forget Brooks’ laws, which state: Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.
Developers aren’t creative
Software development requires a great deal of creativity. Yes, almost anyone can learn an API. But the ability to use an API, to apply an API to an unsolved problem requires a great deal of creativity. The people who excel on the software development team are the ones who twist and turn methods and functions in unpredictable ways and come up with incredibly creative solutions to difficult and complex problems.
Open source software is less secure
Many believe that because the source code of open source software is publicly available, any hacker with nefarious intentions can easily crack that code. In fact, the opposite is true. With open source software, hundreds, if not thousands of people will scour through updates, enhancement and even stale source code that hasn’t been touched in years.
All of those developers regularly testing and checking the codebase will make open-source software more secure than proprietary software that only has a handful of programmers maintaining it.
All programming languages are the same
At the core, all programming languages perform three functions. But when you get beyond those basics, that’s not exactly how things are.
And one more thing that is more than proof. On social media, there are always arguments about which language is best and why. And absolutely every one of you has witnessed at least one argument, right? If all programming languages were the same, these flame wars would subside quickly, but that’s not the case. They continue because it is a software myth to claim that all programming languages are the same.
Programming is boring
What? It’s amazing how full of life one becomes when working on a software project that engages and challenges them.
And any developer who’s been in the industry for years will undoubtedly be able to tell you stories of working late into the morning to solve a problem, and then waking up early and heading straight to the keyboard to test the inspiration that woke him from sleep.
The project is absorbing, fascinating and gives meaning to your life! You feel fulfilled and satisfied, and what’s better than that.