Fyrii has announced the launch of FyriiTM Dev X, a developer-experience platform (DEP) that enables customers to collaboratively manage, create and sell with their developer/partner ecosystem, reports Martech Series.
“Fyrii’s mission is to make it easy for companies to build, manage, and monetize their developer and partner ecosystems,”
said Padma Subramanian, CEO of Fyrii.
It is a SaaS application that allows companies to:
– Build and manage the developer catalog and partner ecosystems.
– Profit from integrations developed by their ecosystem.
– Publish their application programming interfaces (APIs), use cases, and documentation directly at the point of creation.
The CEO also says that developers are a legitimate channel to market for most companies these days, but companies need help to succeed in their developer strategies, ecosystems and APIs.
The company will continue to enable its ecosystem to build many more such integrations and organically expand revenue opportunities for enterprises and developers within DEP.
Fyrii is just one example that proves how reusable integrations can create business value. More and more companies are taking an API-centric approach, and the opportunities to increase revenue and reduce costs through integrations will only increase.