NVIDIA has announced an expanded list of games and new developer plugins for NVIDIA DLSS 3.

The latest version of NVIDIA’s Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) is now supported in a number of games and franchises and integrates into the Unreal Engine. The company is also publicly releasing the DLSS Frame Generation plug-in to further facilitate developer adoption of the technology.

“PC gaming super-franchises such as Diablo and Forza Horizon and Bethesda’s new Redfall are raising the bar for image quality with stunning graphics while using DLSS to keep gameplay smooth as silk”,

said Matt Wuebbling, vice president of global GeForce marketing at NVIDIA.

Neural graphics intertwines artificial intelligence and graphics to create an accelerated rendering pipeline that is constantly learning and improving. Instead of rendering every pixel in the frame initially, DLSS allows the game to render 1/8th of the pixels, then uses AI and GeForce RTX™ Tensor Cores to render the remaining pixels, dramatically increasing frame rates while delivering crisp, high-quality images.

Some of the highly anticipated games being added to the DLSS roster in the next few months are Forza Horizon 5, Redfall and Diablo IV.

“We’re excited by the high frame rate of Diablo IV running on NVIDIA GeForce RTX 40 Series hardware and DLSS 3”,

said Michael Bukowski, Diablo IV technical director at Blizzard Entertainment.

NVIDIA will make DLSS Frame Generation plug-ins publicly available during GDC, allowing even more developers to integrate the framerate boosting technology into their games and applications.

DLSS Frame Generation will be available to access via NVIDIA Streamline, an open-source, cross-vendor framework that simplifies the integration of super-resolution technologies in 3D games and apps.

DLSS technology is always improving through ongoing training on NVIDIA’s AI supercomputer. The public release will incorporate the latest DLSS enhancements made earlier this year.

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