Looking back, 2021 has been definitely a great year when it comes to technological advancement. The next 2022 is going to be a year where we will probably see a lot of new technology trends. In the following lines, we will highlight several new technology trends that you can expect in 2022.
- 5G and high-speed networks
Have you remembered 2G technology, which has enabled customers to get in touch with everyone they want? Then comes both 3G and 4G tech that has helped us to browse the internet and stream audio and video without any interruptions.
Well, amongst the most important changes from 2022 will be the easily accessible and available high bandwidth data. What is more, high-speed internet will give us the ability to stream in extremely high resolution like 8K.
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning
AI and ML gained a lot of popularity when manufacturers started implementing them everywhere- in smartphones, virtual assistance, image and speech recognition, smartwatches, smart TVs, navigation apps, etc. The AI market is expected to grow to a $190 billion industry by 2025 and the upcoming year will definitely be very important for achieving this.
- Internet of Things
We should be ready for the emergence of faster networks, advanced AI & ML, and cloud computing, and more devices connecting together in a seamless way.
- Cloud computing
What comes with super-fast networks?
Cloud computing- another technological trend that we will see in the year 2022. Cloud computing will give us the ability to run heavy applications and software directly on the cloud servers which will also open up gates for lighter devices.
- Mobile photography
One of the most promising trends for the upcoming 2022 will be the retractable cameras on smartphones.
Putting three different lenses of different focal lengths was just an alternate option to achieve different focal lengths. In 2020 Xiaomi and Oppo showed the concept phone in which we saw three different lenses of different focal lengths and it looks like we will be able to see how this feature will come true in 2022.
- Mixing of realities
AR and VR have been a big trend for a while and in 2022, we will see major leaps in this field. Metaverse is one of the indicators of how fast the digital world is developing.