SpaceX CEO Elon Musk is scheduled to present an official update on the company’s next-generation Starship rocket for the first time in about a year.
This is going to happen on the National Academies’ first virtual Space Studies Board. The CEO’s presentation, which is titled “SpaceX Starship Discussion,” is scheduled on November 17th and will likely be his first Starship-specific update since September 2020 and. Most importantly, it will be streamed live.
Since Musk’s last partial update, SpaceX has made a spectacular amount of progress. Then proceeded to rapidly build and fly four more prototypes in about as many months. The culmination is in Starship SN15’s near-perfect launch, descent, and soft landing in May 2021.
The pace of SpaceX Starship and Super Heavy assembly and testing has been exceptionally slow over the last few months, causing the company to sail past a number of schedule predictions made by Musk himself. At the meeting the CEO will also be able to shed some light on the last few months of activity in Starbase and why some of those activities appear to have slowed down.