Android has announced the release of the second developer preview of Google’s Android 15. It offers the long-awaited support for satellite connectivity, as well as several improvements to contactless payments, multi-language recognition and interacting with PDF files via apps.
Also in the second preview version, there is also support for sending and receiving messages via SMS/MMS or RCS apps over satellite.
With the beta version, developers will be able to check and test features to be included in the final public release, due out later this year.
The latest pre-release for developers addresses some security issues faced by Android users. One of these relates to better awareness and clearer reasons why certain services are not available when devices are using a satellite connection, for example.
Another important support is informing users when the activity they perform on their device is recorded on the screen. Security for contactless payments is also improved for apps that use NFC.
Other updates include enhancements to PDF features in apps, which include support for password-protected files, annotations, form editing, search and copy-select.