As we approach the onset of 2024, the dynamic landscape of technology continues its relentless evolution, introducing novel, intriguing advancements daily. This not only captures the attention of tech enthusiasts but also resonates across diverse sectors. It comes as no surprise that, hand in hand with technological progress, a plethora of new terms and phrases emerge to encapsulate the latest trends and innovations.

These ongoing transformations are reshaping the technological realm, exerting a profound influence on both consumer experiences and business practices.

Today, we’ve curated a selection of key technology terms and keywords for 2024, according to Techopedia, that offering valuable insights that can prove instrumental in staying abreast of the ever-changing tech landscape.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

AGI is a form of artificial intelligence (AI) that mirrors human cognitive abilities, allowing it to perform various tasks and make complex decisions independently. This evolution in AI technology is not just about computational sophistication, but about creating systems that can independently reason, learn, and adapt across domains. Although AGI is still a distant dream, in 2024 the hype and expectations will continue to gain momentum.

For consumers: the advent of AGI promises to introduce more advanced and flexible AI assistants into everyday life, capable of understanding and performing tasks at a level previously only associated with human intelligence. This could revolutionize the way consumers interact with technology, offering personalized and intuitive assistance in everyday life – from home management to personalized education and health advice. AGI’s potential to improve the user experience is huge, providing more natural, efficient and effective interactions with technology.

For business: AGI provides huge opportunities for innovation and transformation across multiple sectors. AGI can lead to more accurate risk assessment and financial modeling in finance. In healthcare, it can enable more accurate diagnostics and personalized treatment plans.

Phygital Convergence

In 2024, phigital convergence will become a buzzword for transformation, representing the seamless integration of the physical and digital realms that will have a profound impact on both consumer experiences and business strategies.

For consumers: digital convergence offers an enriched experience where the boundaries between the online and offline worlds blur, providing unparalleled convenience and engagement. Consumers benefit from the flexibility and efficiency of digital solutions while retaining the tangible, sensory experiences of the physical world. For example, in retail, customers can explore products online and try them out in-store, or use AR to preview products in their own space before purchasing them.

For businesses: digital convergence is going from a trend to a strategic imperative. It is forcing businesses to rethink and redesign customer interaction models, ensuring a seamless and consistent experience across digital and physical channels. Retailers, for example, are rethinking store layouts to incorporate digital touchpoints, leveraging IoT for inventory management, and using AR for interactive product demonstrations.


In 2024, Hyper-Personalization is expected to be a key trend that will revolutionize consumer engagement and business strategies. Hyperpersonalisation uses artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) to create customer experiences that are not just personalized, but deeply individualized. Through the use of extensive data analytics, including customer journey mapping and personalized content, Hyper-Personalization enables businesses to respond in real-time to changes in customer behavior, creating unique and relevant touchpoints that resonate on a personal level.

For consumers: embracing hyper-personalisation means moving to experiences that are intricately tailored to individual preferences and behaviors. Consumers can expect more intuitive and engaging interactions with brands, with services and content tailored to their needs and interests. This can take many forms, from online shopping experiences that offer products based on past behaviors and preferences, to content channels that adapt dynamically to reflect individual interests and interactions. The result is a more satisfying and engaging consumer experience that fosters a deeper connection with brands.

For businesses: hyper-personalisation offers the opportunity to significantly increase customer loyalty and lifetime value. This approach allows businesses to attract and retain customers by consistently delivering highly relevant and personalized experiences. However, achieving this level of personalization requires a sophisticated understanding of data analytics and customer privacy. Businesses must be able to collect and analyze large volumes of data while ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations and maintaining customer trust.

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is set to maintain its buzzword status, influencing areas from online reputation management to the upcoming UK and US elections, driven by the ongoing impact of AI and machine learning on strategic approaches. Fueled by advancements in AI and machine learning, sentiment analysis deciphers intricate emotional cues in textual data, providing profound insights into public sentiment and consumer behavior.

For Consumers: Sentiment analysis significantly improves the consumer experience. Businesses can deliver more empathetic and efficient customer service by accurately assessing and responding to consumer emotions and feedback. This technology empowers companies to anticipate consumer needs, fostering personalized interactions and enhancing product offerings. Consumers enjoy a heightened sense of being heard and understood, cultivating stronger connections with brands and services.

For Businesses: Sentiment analysis offers crucial insights into customer perceptions and emerging market trends, enabling businesses to swiftly adapt their strategies. This leads to more targeted and successful marketing efforts, product improvements based on customer input, and enhanced risk management. Additionally, sentiment analysis plays a vital role in crisis management, allowing businesses to identify and address potential issues before they escalate.

Collaborative Ecosystems

The anticipation is that Collaborative Ecosystems will redefine the business landscape, ushering in a significant shift towards integrated, cooperative models of operation and innovation. This collaborative approach facilitates the pooling of diverse resources, skills, and insights, fostering a culture of innovation, reducing costs, and creating new forms of value.

For Consumers: The emergence of Collaborative Ecosystems brings a host of benefits for consumers. They can expect more holistic and integrated solutions that elevate the quality and diversity of products and services. This interconnected approach results in smoother, more cohesive experiences where technologies and services from various sectors seamlessly converge. This integration can lead to innovative solutions, higher-quality products, and more efficient services, ultimately enhancing overall consumer satisfaction and experience.

For Businesses: Engaging in collaborative ecosystems presents an avenue for innovation and market expansion. It offers enterprises the opportunity to break free from traditional silos, nurturing cross-industry partnerships that can result in the creation of new products and services. However, successful participation requires a commitment to effective collaboration, strategic integration, and often a willingness to share data and insights.


Beyond a mere tech buzzword, the focus on Sustainability and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations is set to gain momentum in the coming year, propelled by the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) in the European Union. This directive, mandating extensive climate impact reporting, is poised to profoundly influence global corporate practices and investment strategies.

For Consumers: Consumers are increasingly mindful of the environmental and social impact of their purchases, fostering a preference for sustainable brands. This inclination is expected to intensify, with consumers playing a central role in advocating for sustainability through their purchasing decisions.

For Businesses: Embedding ESG principles is evolving into a fundamental aspect of achieving long-term profitability and resilience. The CSRD compels companies to integrate sustainability into their operational and strategic decision-making processes. This entails a comprehensive reassessment and potential restructuring of supply chains, heightened investment in sustainable technologies, and a commitment to transparent and accountable reporting on sustainability metrics.

Augmented Reality (AR) & Extended Reality (XR)

Extended reality technologies are progressing beyond novelty, evolving into indispensable tools across various sectors, thanks to their immersive and interactive capabilities.

For Consumers: AR and XR are reshaping consumer engagement by providing enhanced, interactive experiences that seamlessly blend the digital and physical realms. In retail, for instance, AR allows customers to virtually try on clothing or preview furniture in their homes before making a purchase, significantly enhancing the decision-making process.

For Businesses: The impact of AR and XR on businesses is significant. In sectors such as construction and manufacturing, AR assists in visualizing projects in 3D, enhancing accuracy and efficiency throughout the design-to-execution process. This visualization capability proves invaluable for architects, engineers, and designers, streamlining the transition from conceptualization to realization.

Quantum Computing

While it has long been a buzzword, quantum computing is anticipated to move beyond theoretical research in 2024, transitioning into a practical and impactful technology that holds substantial benefits for both consumers and businesses.

For Consumers: The arrival of quantum computing is poised to profoundly revolutionize everyday life. Its unparalleled computational power has the potential to drive significant advancements in fields directly impacting consumers, such as medicine, environmental science, and logistics.

For Businesses: Quantum computing opens up a frontier of untapped potential for the business sector. In finance, it could revolutionize risk assessment and fraud detection, providing insights currently unattainable with classical computing methods. In the pharmaceutical industry, it has the potential to significantly reduce the time and cost associated with drug development, enabling quicker responses to global health challenges.

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