Google has announced a number of new features that Android developers should be aware of.

Earlier this year, Google unveiled new verification requirements for app developers. Recognizing that teams of different sizes require varying timelines to implement these changes, Google has granted developers the flexibility to set their own deadlines for compliance.

To secure their preferred deadline, developers are encouraged to apply promptly, as the allocation of deadlines will follow a first-come, first-served approach. Those who do not select a deadline by February 29, 2024, will be automatically assigned one.

The next change modification entails that new personal developer accounts must undergo testing by 20 individuals for a minimum of two weeks before their applications can be published. Google emphasizes that apps utilizing Google Play’s testing tools exhibit, on average, three times the number of app installs and user engagement compared to those that do not.

Google also added that global review teams will spend more time evaluating new apps, which could lead to longer review times for certain types of apps, such as those designed for children or those that require certain device permissions.

“These deeper reviews help ensure that users are engaging in safe and trusted experiences through Google Play,” Kobi Gluck, director of product management for Google Play, wrote in a blog post.

The company is actively seeking to acknowledge and promote developers who prioritize quality in their apps, aiming to enhance their discoverability. Users will now receive information about an app’s performance on their specific device, and Google Play has introduced a feature that highlights local and regional content of high quality.

“All of these changes are designed to help connect people with safe, high-quality, useful, and relevant experiences they’ll love, wherever they are and on whatever device they’re using,” Gluck added.

Next year Google will also add more signifiers to store listings, including a badge that denotes an app is an official government app.

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