Playing video games is one of the most favorite hobbies for many people around the world, especially for the youngsters who spend most of their time in the virtual world. For some players, however, it is more than just a way of killing their spare time – it’s kind of a real job which is remarkably profitable.

There is a question which has been discussed for a long time since video games changed so much in the past few years: How does gaming impact people?

When we talk about advantages of being a gamer – the first thing we need to know is that gamers are really good at multitasking. Why? The answer is simple – while playing, gamers need to carefully watch their enemies, moving their character, watching their health line, etc. This turns out to be really useful, especially when their regular job requires them to do many things at once.

Sometimes people find themselves in a situation which requires making a fast decision. For games this isn’t a difficult task as they are able to make fast decisions. In their virtual world, players are constantly forced to decide whether to open the right or the left door. The unknown consequences for their character’s life and storyline makes them feel on the alert. That’s why in real life they can make a decision really fast.

Not everyone succeeds in adapting to a teamwork environment. There are many people out there who can’t fit in their team and find it difficult to work with other people. Players don’t have a problem with that as multiplayer games are making it much easier for them to adjust to playing with other people. There are games whose storylines and missions are impossible to be completed if a gamer is playing alone. So, this is how players become more adaptive among other people when it comes to teamwork on a project for example.

Of course, these are not the only advantages of playing games but we need to look at the negative aspects of being a gamer.

Every gamer has heard around millions of times in their life that video games are dangerous and addictive. At some point, this statement is true. Let’s take a look at the relationship issues, for example. Players are usually indifferent to their loved ones when they get addicted to a certain game. This is the time when they start being rude and stop showing their love to their friends and families which is a hurtful life experience to them.

Often gamers fly off the candle from their social environment. Hanging out with friends, traveling, exploring the world and meeting new people are replaced by a virtual world full of unrealistic characters. Instead, players prefer to stay in their rooms, spending hours trying to complete an achievement or overcoming an obstacle.

Last but not least, there are failures at school or at the workplace. Gamers who are addicted to playing usually stop being productive because their mind is somewhere in the game even when they are not playing. All those assignments and tasks transform into annoying duties which need to be done. The lack of motivation, mixed with disinterest makes the perfect formula for a failure at school or at work.


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