There are three main trends that technology leaders cannot afford to miss. It’s important how tech leaders implement these trends within their organisations.

Dev environments will move to the Cloud. Local development environments are now largely the only part of the software development lifecycle time that is done locally on a developer’s computer. Automated builds, staging environments and running production applications have largely moved from local computers to the cloud.

DevOps will become more scientific. Google’s DORA (DevOps Research and Assessment) team has conducted research which found that companies with elite performing engineering organisations are twice as likely to achieve their organisational goals and achieve a 50% higher growth rate over three years.

To deliver new functionality quickly and reliably without developers burning out, software development teams have to ensure their processes and tools are as polished as they can be.

Remote work will be permanent. GitHub’s 2021 State of the Octoverse report found that while 41% of respondents were co-located in an office before the pandemic, only 10.7% expected to remain in the office after the pandemic. This represents a 74% decrease in the rate of co-located office working.

The report also found that developers expect a 41% increase in the rate of hybrid working, where some staff work fully remotely and some come into the office. Companies employing fully remote working were expected to increase by 46% compared with before the pandemic.

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Special Projects Editor