The “Introduction to HTML & CSS” course provides fundamental knowledge of web technologies and introduces you to HTML5 and CSS3.
HTML tags, paragraphs, lists, tables, forms, controls, and semantic HTML tags are studied during the course. Emphasis is on basic CSS selectors and styles, working with classes, presentation rules, positioning and layout rules in CSS. The latest developments in the HTML5 and CSS3 standards are covered.
The course is hands-on and, through HTML and CSS exercises, will involve participants in real-world web page development projects, implementing site fragments and creating complete modern websites with a good look, modern structure and mobile support.
The best performers during the training would have the opportunity to meet with potential employers.
Method of conducting
Video Records, Online Consultation
Price $270 instead of $310
Enrollment deadline
The course is available permanently/year round
Start on the course
March 11th, 2025
What you will learn:
- HTML tags, paragraphs, lists, tables, forms, controls and semantic HTML tags
- CSS selectors and styles, working with classes, presentation rules, positioning and layout rules in CSS
- The basics of modern and semantic HTML, CSS and building layouts
- How to use established website components and layout patterns to come up with professional-looking designs
* If you think you already have knowledge that might cover the content of the Introduction to HTML and CSS course, you have the option to take a placement test on the level.
Course Program “Introduction to HTML and CSS”
- Introducing HTML
- The HTML Workflow
- HTML Syntax – Tags & Attributes
- The Browser Developer Tools
- The Document Structure
- Common HTML Tags and Attributes
- Working With HTML Lists
- The Em, Strong, B, and I Elements
- Nesting Elements
- Inline Vs. Block Elements
- Superscript and Subscript
- Creating Links
- Working with Images
- Text Inputs and Buttons
- The Form Element
- Name and Placeholder Attributes
- Labelling the Form Controls
- Checkboxes, Textareas, and Range Inputs
- Selects and Radio Button Groupings
- Spans and Divs
- Tables
- Semantic Markup and Elements
- Introducing CSS
- CSS Syntax – Selectors and Rules
- Adding CSS to the HTML Documents
- Basic CSS Selectors
- Working Within Inline Styles
- Writing Internal Styles
- External Styles
- The ID Selector
- The Class Selector
- The background-color Attribute
- The color attribute
- Named, RGB and Hexadecimal Colors
- Opacity
- Fonts and Font Families
- The font-size, font-weight, and font-style Attributes
- Text Alignment
- Line-height, letter-spacing, and word-spacing
- Adding Custom Fonts With Google Fonts
- Creating Text Shadows
- Text-transform and text-decoration
- Styling Lists
- Styling Links
- Working With Borders
- Width, Height, and Percentages
- Adding Padding to Elements
- Working With Margins
- The Display Property
- Min and Max Width
- Box Shadows
- Relative Positioning
- Absolute Positioning
- Controlling Layers With Z-Index
- Fixed Positioning
- The Website Layout
- The Header
- The Navigation Bar
- The Footer
- 1-column Layout Content for Mobile Browsers
- 2-column Layout Content for Tablets and Laptops
- 3-column Layout Content for Desktops
- Responsive Website Layout
The material is designed for 4 weeks but each student sets his own pace.
Start of training
March 11th, 2025 – after that the course is available permanently/year round
It is suitable for: | |
Beginners | ✔ |
Specialists with 3-5 years of experience | ✖ |
Senior professionals | ✖ |
Forms of training: | |
Video Records, Online Consultations | ✔ |
Present | ✖ |
Hybrid | ✖ |
Type of training: | |
Paid | ✔ |
Free | ✖ |
Price | $270 instead of $ |
Exams and certificates: | |
Exam – online | ✔ |
Certificate | ✔ |
Certificate of Professional Training | ✖ |
Is prior knowledge required?
“Introduction to HTML and CSS” is specially designed for absolute beginners with no previous IT experience.
Career guidance
Personal consultation with the training lecturer and expert from DevStyleR Academy about career development opportunities in the IT field, advice from business practice and how to behave in a job interview.
What should we know about the course? | |
How to register | Registration takes place via the ADD TO CART button (at the beginning of the product) |
Enrollment deadline | Training is available year-round |
Form of training | Learners have access to an interactive learning platform that includes lecture recordings, self-assessment tests, assignments, real-world examples, and hands-on materials. |
Will there be an exam? | Yes, the exam will be conducted in online format |
Will I get a certificate? | All participants who have completed the course have the opportunity to apply, pay and receive** a certificate for completed training.
**only after full payment of the tuition fee in the respective course
Can I start work? | After reaching the required level of knowledge, we will assist you with meetings with potential employers. |