Python is one of the most popular programming languages. It is used for everything from creating websites, through Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence, to software testing. Also explore the exciting world of chatbots, image generation and AI modeling, all in an engaging, easy-to-understand format.
By choosing “Introduction to Programming with Python and Artificial Intelligence” you will upgrade your knowledge gradually, with many practical examples, exercises, problem solving and personal consultations with the lecturers. In order to develop your skills to the maximum, your course will end with a practical project to develop an application similar to those of real practice.
The training is conducted in a paid form. We offer an option for deferred payment of up to 4 installments without additional cost. In case you cancel your participation at any stage, you do not owe any additional payment, i.e. you only pay for the part in which you were part of the group.
The best performers during the training would have the opportunity to meet with potential employers.
Method of conducting
Video Records, Online Consultation
Price $780 instead of $1100
Enrollment deadline
The course is available permanently/year round
Start on the course
You choose when to start your studies
What you will learn:
- How to program with Python – one of the most popular programming languages for web, machine learning and data science
- How to build AI models using deep learning and neural networks
- How to use different data structures to easily process information
- How to use the principles of functional programming
- How to read and write data to files
- How to read and write data to XML
- What are the main components of object oriented programming
* If you think you already have knowledge that might cover the content of the Introduction to Programming with Python and Artificial Intelligence course, you have the option to take a placement test on the level.
Before this course it is recommended to pass Free: 2 in 1 – Basics of Programming and Artificial Intelligence.
Course Program “Introduction to Programming with Python and Artificial Intelligence”
- My first Python program
- PyCharm IDE
- Variables and Assignment Statements
- Arithmetic
- Function print
- Intro to Single, Double and Triple-Quoted Strings
- Getting Input from the User
- The if Statement and Comparison Operators
- Objects and Dynamic Typing
- if, if-else and if…elif…else Statements
- while Statement
- for statement
- Augmented Assignments
- break and continue Statements
- Boolean Operators and, or and not
- Defining Functions
- Functions with Multiple Parameters
- Python Standard Library
- Default Parameter Values
- Keyword Arguments
- Arbitrary Argument Lists
- Methods: Functions That Belong to Objects
- Scope Rules
- Passing Arguments to Functions
- Function-Call Stack
- Functional-Style Programming
- Lists
- Tuples
- Unpacking Sequences
- Sequence Slicing
- Passing Lists to Functions
- Sorting Lists
- Searching Sequences
- Simulating Stacks with Lists
- List Comprehensions
- Generator Expressions
- Filter, Map and Reduce
- Two-Dimensional Lists
- Dictionaries
- Creating a Dictionary
- Iterating through a Dictionary
- Basic Dictionary Operations
- Dictionary Methods keys and values
- Dictionary Comparisons
- Dictionary Method update
- Dictionary Comprehensions
- Sets
- Comparing Sets
- Mathematical Set Operations
- Mutable Set Operators and Methods
- Set Comprehensions
- Creating arrays from Existing Data
- array Attributes
- Filling arrays with Specific Values
- Creating arrays from Ranges
- array Operators
- Universal Functions
- Indexing and Slicing
- Views: Shallow Copies
- Deep Copies
- Reshaping and Transposing
- Formatting Strings
- Concatenating and Repeating Strings
- Stripping Whitespace from Strings
- Changing Character Case
- Comparison Operators for Strings
- Searching for Substrings
- Replacing Substrings
- Splitting and Joining Strings
- Characters and Character-Testing Methods
- Raw Strings
- Regular Expressions
- Files
- Text-File Processing
- Updating Text Files
- Serialization with JSON
- pickle Serialization and Deserialization
- Handling Exceptions
- finally Clause
- Explicitly Raising an Exception
- Stack Unwinding and Tracebacks
- Introduction
- Class Definition
- Composition: Object References as Members of Classes
- Controlling Access to Attributes
- Properties for Data Access
- Inheritance: Base Classes and Subclasses
- Introducing Polymorphism
- Duck Typing and Polymorphism
- Operator Overloading
- Named Tuples
- Unit Testing
- Namespaces and Scopes
- What is Data Science?
- What is NumPy?
- Installing NumPy
- Creating NumPy Arrays
- NumPy Arrays – Indexing, Slicing, Shaping, Sorting
- The Random Module
- Measures of Central Tendency – Mean, Median, Mode
- Probability Basics
- Distributions (Normal, Binomial)
- What is Pandas?
- Installing Pandas
- Pandas Series and DataFrames
- Cleaning Data with Pandas – Empty Cells, Wrong Format, Wrong Data, Removing Duplicates
- What is Matplotlib?
- Installing Matplotlib
- Drawing Lines, Scatter and Grids for Data Visualization
- Hands-on exercises: Statistical Analysis using Python
- What is Machine Learning?
- Basic Methods in Machine Learning – Standard Deviation, Percentile, Linear Regression, Decision Tree, Logistic Regression
- The PyTorch Library
- The Scikit-learn Library
- Train the Model
- Split to Train/Test
- Evaluate the Model
- Use the Model for Predictions
- Hands-on exercise: Build, Train and Evaluate a Model with PyTorch
- Hands-on exercise: Build, Train and Evaluate a Model with Scikit-learn
Test what you’ve learned in a hands-on project that you can be proud to include on your resume/CV.
The material is designed for 6 weeks and another 2 for a practical project, but each student sets his own pace.
Start of training
The course is available permanently/year round
It is suitable for: | |
Beginners | ✔ |
Specialists with 3-5 years of experience | ✖ |
Senior professionals | ✖ |
Forms of training: | |
Video Records, Online Consultations | ✔ |
Present | ✖ |
Hybrid | ✖ |
Type of training: | |
Paid | ✔ |
Free | ✖ |
Price | $780 instead of $1100 |
Exams and certificates: | |
Exam – online | ✔ |
Certificate | ✔ |
Certificate of Professional Training | ✖ |
Is prior knowledge required?
“Introduction to Programming with Python and Artificial Intelligence” is specially designed for absolute beginners with no previous IT experience.
Career guidance
Personal consultation with the training lecturer and expert from DevStyleR Academy about career development opportunities in the IT field, advice from business practice and how to behave in a job interview.
What should we know about the course? | |
How to register | Registration takes place via the ADD TO CART button (at the beginning of the product) |
Enrollment deadline | Training is available year-round |
Form of training | Learners have access to an interactive learning platform that includes lecture recordings, self-assessment tests, assignments, real-world examples, and hands-on materials. |
Will there be an exam? | Yes, the exam will be conducted in online format |
Will I get a certificate? | All participants who have completed the course have the opportunity to apply, pay and receive** a certificate for completed training.
**only after full payment of the tuition fee in the respective course
Which course is suitable to upgrade my knowledge? | Python Advanced |
Can I start work? | After reaching the required level of knowledge, we will assist you with meetings with potential employers. |